Wednesday, May 25, 2011
New Blog for Writers-Exchange Authors
Thanks so much for the support, God bless, and happy reading to all!
~ Christine E. Schulze
Monday, May 23, 2011
Enter to win: BLOODMAIDEN, the end of the Bookish Snob Promotions Tour
Hello, and thank you to all who have joined the exciting blog tour for my YA Christian fantasy, Bloodmaiden, as well as to those just joining in!
I would especially like to thank Bels at Bookish Snob Promotions for setting up this brilliant tour, as well as all bloggers who allowed me to participate on their site. It was a fun and rewarding experience, and I look forward to future tours.
Now, for the final contest! I would like to offer three copies of Bloodmaiden for giveaway. The three winners will also see their names in an upcoming book of mine; they will be notified of the book's completion and will receive a free copy of the ebook and/or print book.
In order to enter the contest, all you have to do is comment below, telling me the following:
1. Your email address
2. Your favorite fantasy creature or race--who knows, if you win, you might see this creature or actually be one when I create your character.
3. Tell me the name you would like your character to have. It can be your real name or one you just really like.
* The contest will last from May 23rd through May 31st.
And that's it!
Thanks so much to everyone who participates; please comment below to enter!
~ Christine E. Schulze
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Gailean Quartet: First Official Blog Tour!

I am proud to say that I have secured my first blog tour for my magical, musical, young adult Christian fantasy series, The Gailean Quartet. Teen Book Scene is being awesome enough to run a three-week tour from me. The dates are June 27 – July 16, and you can follow along on their website once it gets started.

I'm writing this post though because, once the tour is over, I will be giving away a copy of the entire four-book collection in paperback copies. The winner will also be placed in one of my next books. If you would like to enter to win, this is the post to comment on!

Here's all you have to do to enter:Comment on this post; if you win, I will place you in a book, so tell me what your favorite fantasy creature is (fairy, elf, vampire, nymph, etc.) and why. Who knows; you might meet or even be such a creature in my book!
*In the post, be sure to include your email address so I can contact you!

Let the blog tour begin, and best to all who enter!
~ Christine E. Schulze