"For, you see, I am the new Quelda of Tynan."
These words echo the mystery, horror, romance, and redemption found throughout the stories of Schulze's fantasy anthology.
A young woman and young boy must choose to embrace cruel tradition, run from it, or stand against it.
A Scintillate princess must defy her only sister and sacrifice all to save the one she loves.
A captain braves tempestuous seas to rescue Larimar, his gem of the sea.
A blind girl unravels the mystery of the one who grants her sight in dreams and whom can hear her heart's song.
A young Elemental survives many dangerous ventures to discover true freedom.
All of these and more weave together to create a truly powerful collection.
Available at Createspace, Smashwords, and Amazon on April 20, 2010!
And here are some reader reviews on some of the stories in the anthology:
"You have a very well-rounded imagination. I really enjoyed reading what I read of 'Bloodmaiden.' I would definitely read the novel. It holds your attention and really draws you in the story. I am very interested in finding out what happens. You left us wanting more."
~Ariane from Webook on Bloodmaiden
"Wow, I'm glad I took the time to read this. The story was very compelling from beginning to end. I could feel Crisilin's fear throughout the story. I kept wanting to know what was so horrible that the dragons did, and I'm glad your character chose to escape from her Quelda responsibility at the end. I would love to read the novel. By the way, congratulations on getting published! You are so lucky, I wish I could do the same with one of my novels. Don't take the experience for granted!"
~S.L. Bynum from Webook on Bloodmaiden
"This is such an awesome story, as I have spoken before inreference it lures me to the vision of Lord of the Rings meet Harry Potter. I love it. Christine has a very deep and vivid imagination and I see her as the next J.R.R Tolkien and J. K Rowling. Keep the stories comming Christine, you have a true gift.
Will catch you back on webook
~Gryody from Webook on Bloodmaiden
"It's a hard thing to write a coming-of-age story, even more so while in the fantasy genre. It has to be serious; well thought out enough to have meaning, but still having some element of the fantastical. I believe this story accomplishes both of these criteria. This, at least in my opinion, is a coming of age story, and one well written enough to have serious impact... This is fantasy in its highest form, of that there is no question."
~B.R. Sullivan from Webook on Elantra: the Lie of Adelar
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