Monday, October 19, 2009

New Golden Healer Stories

I've discovered Fictionpress thanks to Catherine, a good friend of mine, fellow writer, and excellent seamstress! You can publish stories and poems there, receive feedback, add forums and polls, all sorts of cool stuff! Consider publishing your own stories. In the meantime, check out mine:

Dream Catcher, Heart Listener

Michaela Hania is blind. But she can see brilliant things in the dreams woven by the mysterious figure she soon grows to love. Who is this creature, why does he not reveal himself, and how will she ever discover who he truly is?

Elantra: the Lie of Adelar

“The Elantra, the queen of our people, dwells high in the clouds alongside the Moragon, her king and husband. Daily the laughter of the Elantra fills the sky, causing a magical rain to drizzle, providing Adelar with all it needs for its success, happiness, and prosperity.”
Lies. Children’s fairy tales.
Crispin has always thought the daily rain providing Adelar with all it needs come from the Elantra's—their queen's—laughter. But upon visiting the Moragon's castle of thunder, he soon learns his whole life has been a lie…


Elexa lives within the presumably peaceful world of the Swicians. But when the horrors of daily life drive her to the edge, will she embrace the cool comfort of air? Or will she be sworn to a yet eerier fate?


Lil Gail of the Cheebs, a tiny, child-like, alternate-dimension race, shares a last adventure with her best friend.

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